Maths about Clair's rush

Well, people think solo rushing is bad. In fact, Clair should always rush alone, unless you already have +dmg% from Maria.

So here are the mathematics. Assume you have party with no Maria.

If Clair rushes solo she gives 80% damage buff for others. So comparing rushes it means. Normal 4 man rush is 100Clair +150% player2+200% player3+300% player4 .

Now here is how it stacks up with Clair rushing solo first. Clair 100%+ 100%*1.8 player 2+150%*1.8 player 3 and 200%*1.8 player 4


If we add that up, it is:

  • Clair: Same damage rushing 1st and rushing solo.
  • Player 2: 150% Team rush. Rushing 1st after Clair solo 180%. 30% advantage already.
  • Player 3: Team rush 200%. Rushing 2nd after Clair solo 270%. 70% advantage.
  • Player 4: Team rush 300%. Rushing 3rd after Clair solo 360%. 60% advantage.

In practice if your team had a healer, protector, Clair and another dps, this results in about 1/7th or about 14% higher damage output, compared to a normal 4-man rush.

If you are playing with no healer with another dps, it may end up being close to 20% increase in Rush total damage.

TLDR: If you have no Maria in your party but have Clair, having Clair rush solo followed by 3-man rush results in 14 to 20% increase in your overall damage from full Rush.

P.S: This only works if there is no Maria in party. Because having Maria in the party makes Clair’s rush buff override +dmg% buff From Maria, means not giving the full benefit of executing this strategy.

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