This is Star Ocean: Anamnesis Tier List which is updated depending on the current meta of Global version. Character value changes based on boss fight and party. You can combine with the updated list from Japanese version if you want to plan ahead for your party. The JP list has also been being edited to match with GL releases. If you want to take a look at the Star Ocean: Anamnesis Tier List for JP version, please check the links at the end.
However, please do notice that the progress of JP version is over 1.5 years ahead of the current progress of GL version of Star Ocean: Anamnesis. This tier list is not absolute since this is still based only on community/personal assessments and calculation. You can use both lists as your reference and plans for future contents.
Note to players:
- Many units who are not top-tier in this listing are still usable in most situations (and sometimes preferred). You should always priotize who you enjoy playing.
- Healers and defenders are underemphasized on this tier list due to the strength of units/equipment overall in global release. Healers and defenders still serve a significant purpose when looking to clear a mission consistently, and will become more useful as more content is released to the global version of the game.
- This table of Star Ocean: Anamnesis Tier List is optimized to be used on mobile devices. However, for best visibility, it is highly recommended to use this table on desktop.
Star Ocean: Anamnesis Tier List (Global version)
Links to Star Ocean: Anamnesis list of each character/unit in Global version
Links to Star Ocean: Anamnesis list of each character/unit
- 01/03/2018 And Happy New Year. Added the event units, both slotted firmly into T4 thanks to their buffs at least existing and GL-buffed base stats. For new players, they’re at least kinda usable.
- 12/26/2018 Merry Christmas. New units and weapons added, Edge slotted T2 with Dias, solid permanent for now who works as a 2nd defender – more HP + more defensive stats is double effective. Meracle slotted mid-low T2 for now, to be seen. Carries are a bit starved for team slots, but her scaling isn’t too bad and she does rack hitcount for herself. TBD on these two.
- 12/11/2018 Xmas units added, weapons, accs. All of them are basically sidegrades to existing units, which still makes them very good for their roles. Eve was placed alongside A2 as a defensive / slightly better buffwise option, XFidel as a ranged carry alongside HClair and XPrecis alongside SSophia as an AP battery healer. Other defenders bumped down slightly numerically as a result of having more defenders.
- 12/04/2018 Sarah and Celine added, both slotted at T3. As a buffer, Celine is actually decent for casters, but casters overall aren’t preferred, which is a pretty big hit to her. Sarah is discount Rena, so she’s actually quite good for a non-ACE, but she gimps her team with low self-buffing. Weapons added.
- 11/23/2018 Michael and Eve added, both mid-tier. Michael’s DPS and carry potential is respectable, but he’s slow. Eve’s buffs made her usable, but still not optimal. Weapons added.
- 11/16/2018: Nier bulk update a while ago, all 3 units are the top of their respective roles as buffers and damage. Revised tiering to reflect change in the meta – both top tier Healers and Invokers are still good, but with only so many slots in a party, they lose out to the strength of the Nier units, unfortunately. Sophia and Rena stand out for the buffing, but unfortunately, Myuria’s only real use is to cheese MoT.
- 10/30/2018: SO3 Maint. Sophia – T1, excellent self-sufficient invoker who also buffs physical parties, though her spells may be hard to hit. Fayt – T2, actually still pretty good, but he is outdone by recent units. Healers adjusted slightly. ONel was in the wrong place as were the lower healers due to the new tier.
- 10/23/2018: New T3 added to help fit units which weren’t as weak/situational as now-T4, but not as strong as the standout T2 units. Fidel/Lenneth moved down – don’t contribute enough compared to powercreep units, Cliff/Phia moved due to HClair’s existence – still usable. Victor, Reimi, Clair moved down for being defensive units without much offensive utility.
- 10/17/2018: A bunch of weapons updated. Ilia and Albel added a while ago, 2B added. Albel is a reasonable DPS/buffer together, T2, Ilia situational and non-standout buffer – T3. The queen 2B dethrones every Attacker in T1. DPS Tier List updated with most of the new units.
- 09/17/2018: Added numerical ratings for easier consumption. Slight updates to the tier list itself to reflect these changes.
- 09/16/2018: Added SO2 units and weapons up to Michael in preparation for their release at some point during the month. Rena placed T1 due to good public/regular utility for healer mains, Dias T2 – outshined by SMyuria, Claude T2 – situational but AP recovery is strong, Phia T2 – DPS unit only, needs some support. 4* Defenders moved to T4, not preferred with 3 5* Defs out. Myuria T1 – Thunderbird is good for her.
- 09/07/2018: Added weapons/accessories from first week of Blood Valkyrie. Lenneth and Silmeria descriptions and tiering up. Both are placed at T2 due to summer releases screwing with their relative power level.
- 08/24/2018: Added limited status to several weapons with the closure of Ethereal Queen shops.
- 8/21/2018: Added a bunch of weapons and tiered sSophia and sReimi tentatively at T1. Both are very powerful despite their nerfs, though this is subject to change.
- 8/19/2018: Added Orbs in preparation of Summer pt. 2 banner. Summer Sophia will be Global’s first orb user.
- 8/7/2018: Added sMyuria/sMiki to tier list. Will most likely change in the coming days. Updated their stats in role page to reflect the nerfs they have received. Clair moved down due to a good defender being released. Minor bugfixes.
- 8/4/2018: Added SMyuria and SMiki to role list, talents and tiering will be released after unit information is out (Depending on if we get original or buffed versions). Some known issues with skill icons, will be fixed later. Reimi, Maria and Roddick edited slightly to reflect potential DPS.
- 8/3/2018: Healers and defenders dropped overall on the tier list, with notes added for reasoning and exceptions. More fixes, certain clarifications added. Minor formatting changes on various pages.
- 8/2/2018: Added sections for weapons, with descriptions, information and recommendations for them, also added self-buff talents to pre-rush buffs, alongside multiple fixes. FAQ added.
- 8/1/2018: Tier list created, role pages added for currently available units.
Special credit: SOA (GL) Discord (Tori, Shaun and Emunisa)
What the heck. Why is regular Reimi so low on the Tier list? She provides much so utility for the team: healing, status curing, survivability. She is like a healer with more DPS, but also lowers INT damage by 40%.