Marvel is reportedly bringing Nova to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, according to Deadline. Moon Knight miniseries writer Sabir Pirzada will script this project, which could be–it isn’t yet known–a feature film or limited series.

Additionally, it hasn’t been revealed which version of the superhero the project may feature. According to Marvel’s own comprehensive superhero dossiers, the character–whose civilian name is Richard Rider–was drafted into the Nova Corps “until the Annihilation Wave destroyed them all, leaving him imbued with their combined power and guided by the super-intelligent Worldmind computer.” In the franchise’s lore, there’s the version of the character who endured that catastrophe–and another, when a child named Sam Alexander was imbued with Nova’s powers when Rider was in the Cancerverse (a reality where life finally defeated Death).

The Nova Corps was introduced in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, but aside from that, there are not many crumbs pointing to Nova’s stories have been dropped along the way in the MCU. Now, a whole host of new questions are opening up both about Nova’s place in the franchise, the format, and what focus this project might take. Deadline didn’t reveal its source for this announcement, so speculation will be all we have for a while–aside from the fact that, no surprise, Marvel boss Kevin Feige will produce.

Moon Knight series will premiere on Disney+ on March 30 and run through to May 4.

Source: Gamespot


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