If you’re working on collecting every spell in Elden Ring, you’ll need to add the defensive spell Carian Retaliation to your repertoire. To do so, you have to meet Preceptor Seluvis in Liurnia of the Lakes and complete a short quest. In this guide, we’ll tell you what options you have to get Seluvis to open up his shop and sell you the sorcery you’re seeking.
Carian Retaliation explained
Carian Retaliation is a sorcery that requires 17 Intelligence to cast. It dispels enemy spells and then sends magical blades back at attackers. Though it’s a situational option at best, it can be fun to use for sorcerers who take the time to master it.
Carian Retaliation’s item description reads:
One of the sorceries of the Carian royal family. Swing your staff to dispel incoming sorceries and incantations, using their power to retaliate with glintblades. This was the Carian royal family’s secret means to prepare against the disloyalty of the academy. The moon and stars would one day go their separate ways.
Where to find Carian Retaliation
Carian Retaliation can be purchased from Preceptor Seluvis at Seluvis’s Rise in Liurnia of the Lakes. In order to reach this part of the region, you’ll have to work through Caria Manor in the north, defeat the boss there, and then head out the back of the manor.
Seluvis’s Rise
Before you can buy his spells, you must speak with Seluvis in a spectral form at Ranni’s Rise–the westernmost tower in the area behind the Manor, which is where you’ll begin Ranni the Witch’s questline. Once you’ve spoken to Seluvis’s spectral form at the beginning of the quest, you’ll finally be able to speak with his human form at his own tower just south of Ranni’s Rise.
Seluvis will provide you with a quest to deliver a potion to Nepheli Loux. However, there are a few different things you can do here. You can return to Roundtable Hold and give Nepheli Loux the potion, speak to Gideon Ofnir and ask him to throw it out, or keep it on you for a while until you reach the end of the Dung Eater questline and give it to him. The choice is ultimately yours, of course, but whatever choice you make will allow you to return to Seluvis and open up his shop, which includes Carian Retaliation for 9,000 runes.
Note: Though it will take a while, you can also wait until you’ve completed the entirety of Ranni’s questline, at which point Seluvis will end up dead. Afterward, you can pick up his bell bearing at Seluvis’s Rise. After doing so, you can take Seluvis’s Bell Bearing to the Twin Maiden Husks at Roundtable Hold, and they’ll grant you the ability to buy all of his sorceries there, including Carian Retaliation.
Source: Gamespot