Bandai Namco has announced that Digimon Survive has been delayed to 2022. Producer Kazumasa Habu took to Twitter to reveal the reason behind the additional delay.

“Our original goal was to launch Digimon Survive in 2021. However, due to the need to allocate more time to development, it is necessary to move the game’s release date to 2022. While this decision hasn’t been an easy one, we want to make sure we use this extra time to enhance the quality of the game,” wrote Habu in a statement.

Back in July, Toei Animation’s financial report suggested that Digimon Survive’s release date had been pushed back to fiscal year “Q3 2022 and beyond”, but there was no official announcement. Habu has now confirmed the delay.

The game was announced back in 2018 and was originally supposed to launch sometime in 2020. Then in October 2020, Bandai Namco and Habu announced a delay into 2021. Now we have yet another delay into 2022.

Digimon Survive is slated to release on PC, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One. Given its substantial delays, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S versions could be possible as well.

Source: Gamespot


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