While there are plenty of one-on-one encounters in Elden Ring, the game can sometimes throw a hoard of enemies your way and really put you in a tough spot. In situations like these, it can be helpful to have a high-damage AOE spell at your disposal. That’s where Glintstone Arc comes in, and we’ll tell you exactly how to get your hands on it.
Glintstone Arc explained
Glinstone Arc is a sorcery that requires 13 Intelligence to cast. It sends a wide horizontal arc of magic that can deal pretty substantial damage to groups of enemies, making it one of the most useful AOE spells in the game.
Glintstone Arc’s item description reads:
One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Fires a horizontal arc of magic that spreads outward. This sorcery can be cast repeteadly and while in motion. Granted to sorcererers who depart from the academy to embark on journeys, in order to fend off large groups of would-be adversaries. Fools often roam in packs.
Where to find Glintstone Arc
The Astrologer class gets Glintstone Arc as part of its starting kit, so the spell doesn’t have to be purchased separately and can be used immediately.
Meanwhile, Glintstone Arc can be purchased from Sorceress Sellen at Waypoint Ruins in Limgrave for 1,500 runes. This NPC will move to new places during her long questline, though, so follow our Sorceress Sellen Quest Guide if you find that she’s left the ruins at some point along your journey and aren’t sure where she’s at next.
Waypoint Ruins
Lastly, Glinstone Arc can be purchased from Thops at Church of Ilith in Liurnia of the Lakes for 1,500 runes. However, if you give him the Academy Glintstone Key he requests, you’ll progress his storyline and he will disappear to Raya Lucaria Academy.
Church of Ilith
Thops will be dead when you find him just outside the Schoolhouse Classroom Site of Grace room, meaning you’ll need to loot his bell bearing from his corpse and take it to the Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold to buy the spell there.
Source: Gamespot