Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade finally got its Windows PC release on Dec. 16, which meant new options for modders. Since its release, developers have created hilarious and horrifying mods, including one that reimagines the fearsome Sephiroth as Ronald McDonald.

The mod, called “Sephironald” was published by Crandifff on Dec. 29 and you can download it on its Nexus Mods page. It turns a once strapping villain into a character that you’ll have no problem hating. Somehow he just isn’t as beguiling as an antagonist when he’s covered with literal clown makeup. While the concept might not be entirely original — fans have cosplayed versions of “Sephironald” before — seeing Cloud square up with Ronald realizes the concept in full.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake reimagines the original Final Fantasy 7 (1997) in loving detail. Modders, then in turn, get to play with that detailed portrayal and completely destroy our ideas of how we see those characters. Many mods published simply allow characters like Aerith and Tifa to wear different outfits — like their Wall Market dresses — for the entirety of the game, but others are sillier. Another mod published on Jan. 4 allows players to cover Cloud’s flawless skin with face tattoos.

A streamer named Louiseyhannah posted a compilation of some funny moments with multiple mods installed — including the Sephironald — on Twitter, where you can see in real-time just how horrifying he looks.

This isn’t the first time Final Fantasy 7 Remake has been modded. Prior to the Windows release, another person created a mod that allows you to play the entirety of the game as Cloud in a dress (including fights). Now, we’ll likely see a lot more mods pop up as people tinker with the Windows PC version.

Update: Context about the “Sephironald” cosplay have been added to this story.

Source: Polygon


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