We’re all talkin’ ’bout Bugsnax again thanks to the new Isle of Bigsnax update, giving Grumpuses everywhere a brand-new area called Broken Tooth and around a dozen new creatures to discover. Once you’ve completed all of Broken Tooth’s quest and caught all of its Bugsnax, you might think you’ve already seen everything new…but you’d be wrong.
There’s another location to find and explore, though this one is far more elusive than any other in the game. This one requires cunning, smarts, and a knack for solving puzzles, but if you figure it out the payoff is incredible, as a wealth of information about the world of Bugsnax is revealed. If you’re having trouble finding this secret locale, here’s how to do it.
How to find Bugsnax DLC secret area
Go to the campsite at Broken Tooth, where the new adventure begins, and notice the unlit torch on the cliffside. When you walk over to it, you’ll see another off in the distance, then more in that small area with the Millimochi slithering around. The scattered torches eventually end in the ancient sleeping area to the north, the one Pielobite frequently walks around in. What do we do with torches? We light them, but we need a flame.
Head back to the first torch on the cliffside and attach the Trip Shot to it. Aim it at the campsite bonfire and deploy the wire, which should set the Trip Shot on fire and light the torch you’ve rested it on. Now that the first torch is lit, repeat the process for every torch found on the eastern path, eventually coming to the torch outside of the sleeping area.
The final torch, with the secret door just to the left off-screen.
You’ll notice there is one more torch to light inside the room, but the Trip Shot won’t reach it from the previous torch thanks to a pile of rocks. Luckily there’s a giant bonfire waiting to be lit to the left next to the ancient beds, so fire the Trip Shot at the bonfire, then attach the device to the newly-lit fire and light that last torch. The door right next to the torch will open, revealing a mysterious blue-tinged room and a new key item: the Triangle Key.
The Triangle Key.
It’s not clear what this is meant to unlock yet, so head back to Snaxburg. One of the new features of Bugsnax in The Isle of Bigsnax is a mailing system where Grumpuses can send you requests or give you items to decorate your own hut. Check your mailbox after finding the Triangle Key and you’ll find this message:
A strange message…
…what? Grumpbeard will lead the way? There’s only one place Grumpbeard made an impact on the island, and that’s Boiling Bay. Fast-travel over there and head straight to the wreckage of Grumpbeard’s ship, which turns up no specific clues. However, you’ll notice the front of the ship is pointing in a certain direction, so perhaps you can get up there and see what it’s pointing at.
What the heck is that?
Equip the LunchPad, launch yourself up to the deck of the ship, head out onto the flagstaff, and look down. You’ll see a bluish structure made of triangles that looks awfully similar to the room where you found the Triangle Key on Broken Tooth. Jump down onto it and you’ll find yourself in…
…The Triplicate Space, a completely new and secret area. Walk forward to listen to the audio recording, and then proceed inside. There are 10 total recordings to listen to in your time down here, some hidden behind environmental puzzles in two of the rooms.
The statue room.
The first sees massive statues lining each side of a room. In order to solve the puzzle and free up a recording, you must use the buttons on each of the statues to make them all face the opposite side of the room, as if they were looking at the statue right across from it. Once that happens the ground will rumble and the new recording will appear.
The pendulum room.
In the second room, a large pendulum hangs between three more statues. Changing a statue’s direction will result in the giant pendulum swinging in a specific direction. By making all of the statues face toward the center of the triangle, a secret door will open on the left side of the room, opening up another audio log to count toward the total.
The final audio log is in another hidden room, this time back in the hallway connecting the puzzle rooms to the entrance. Once all of the puzzles have been completed, a switch will appear. Activate it to find the final secrets of the Triplicate Space and listen to the final recording before leaving the same way you came in.
You’ll know that you heard all of the recordings if you receive a piece of mail from Clumby in Snaxburg. Once you receive that mail, finish the game to hear a different set of dialogue once the credits have rolled.
As for what’s revealed in this place, well, let’s just say Snorpy may have been on the right track…
Source: Gamespot