A misworded, or potentially just hastily rethought, tweet from Marvel may wind up costing Moon Knight from getting Emmys consideration. Variety was first to report on this odd technicality.
As a Marvel franchise entry ends and after the credits roll, it’s not unusual for a sequel or spin-off to be teased. Moon Knight’s finale, which aired Wednesday, does indeed leave the door open–though executive producer and episodic director Mohamed Diab told Deadline he has no idea whether there will wind up being a Season 2. But a minor, important detail here for awards season is that Marvel is, along with Hawkeye, submitting Moon Knight for Emmy consideration in the limited series category.
Screen shot taken by The Direct
But as you can see above, via Twitter, Marvel on Monday first promoted the concluding episode of Moon Knight first as an “epic series finale.” This tweet was deleted, and then 14 minutes later corrected to “epic season finale.” Once a network submits its content for award consideration to the Emmys, the TV Academy also takes marketing materials into account–which means, potentially, Moon Knight could be out of the running because of a single tweet. If Moon Knight winds up have more than one season, then by definition it is not eligible for a limited series award.
In the meantime, if you’re just grooving on Moon Knight and are wondering about the finale and the new character it introduces, check out our deep dive into what it all means for the MCU’s Phase 4.
Source: Gamespot