Elden Ring is full of gruesome enemies who absolutely want you dead. There are terrifying spider-looking hands, massive Erdtree Guardians, and agile gargoyles. But the beloved, trickster Pot Boys have stood above the rest. Some fans have even created and painted 3D models of them — and now you can too.

Freelance digital sculptor Andrew Martin created a popular 3D model of the iconic Pot Boy, which is available on ArtStation. “Pot Boi – Dice Vault” is posed to stand upright, and has a removable lid — so you can store little treasures in it.

Like many of us, Martin was immediately taken by the Pot Boys when they debuted in an Elden Ring trailer. “I am a huge fan of FromSoftware games and I, like many others, immediately fell in love with the Pot Boy when I saw the first Elden Ring trailer,” Martin told Polygon, via email.

He immediately began designing the 3D models, which took eight to 10 hours in total. “The biggest challenge was there were only two (fairly blurry) reference images available of the Pot Boy back when I sculpted the model,” Martin said. “For my original lid design, I only had the faintest sliver of an image to work from and had to make a best guess what was on it. I was pleasantly surprised by how close my design was to the actual game model!” Since the game has been released, Martin has re-sculpted the lid to “more closely match the game model.”

Martin started sculpting traditionally in 2005 before switching to doing digital work a few years ago. His prolific portfolio includes everything from Squid Game fan art to Dark Souls The Board Game miniatures.

Since the Pot Boy model was released, fans have taken to 3D printing and painting the miniatures. Cosplayer Nissa printed out the models on her Elegoo Saturn and brought them to life with meticulous paint work.

She used a “black spray primer” for the base and “followed that up with airbrushing a dark anthracite color on top of it,” Nissa told Polygon, over Twitter DM. For the lighter shades, she “used a piece of felt, applied color to it sparingly and dabbed it onto the minis carefully, that way the darker base colors were still visible in all the spots where dirt and shadows would sit in reality.” She finished it off using a smaller brush to add “dirt and details,” before “airbrush[ing] some matte lacquer.”

Nissa had initially encountered this Pot Boy 3D model when working for the Red Bull Levels: Elden Ring event in January. Initially, event organizers asked her to make a meter-tall Pot Boy for their set, which she created with a mix of builder’s materials. Organizers then asked if she could make décor for their talent dinner, which led her to finding Martin’s 3D model. She has since made additional ones for herself and friends.

Others responded to Nissa’s Tweet, sharing their own versions of the 3D Pot Boy, like this one, climbing out of the ground.

“It brings me great joy seeing people’s paint-ups and builds of my models,” Martin said. “I am not a great miniature painter, so I am been blown away by what some of the other artists are able to achieve. Especially when they go beyond by adding scenery and base details that really make the model sing!”

Source: Polygon


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