Sony Bend, the studio behind 2019’s Days Gone, has announced that it is working on a brand new IP while also unveiling the studio’s new logo.

“Today, we are excited to share just a snippet of news on our current project,” says Bend Studio online community specialist Kevin McAllister on the PlayStation Blog. “We are currently working on a new IP that includes multiplayer and builds upon the open-world systems of Days Gone, but brings you a whole new world that we are extremely excited to craft for you. We cannot wait to reveal it to you when the time is right.”

In June 2021, PlayStation Studios CEO Herman Hulst confirmed that Sony Bend was working on a new project that wasn’t a sequel to Days Gone. Now, we have some more information, namely that it has a multiplayer component and an open-world structure.

However, there are still some fans clamoring for a Days Gone 2. Unfortunately, it seems like it won’t be happening anytime soon. Despite the game’s commercial success, it wasn’t received as well as critically as some of Sony’s other big-budget exclusives. Reportedly, part of Sony Bend was relegated to working with Naughty Dog on a multiplayer game. Another team within Sony Bend was reportedly helping out with a new Uncharted game, which upset some of the higher-ups in the studio.

As for Sony Bend’s new logo, the studio says it represents its location, history, and lifestyle within Central Oregon. Oregon served as the setting for Days Gone, but there is no word on if the newest game will also feature a Pacific Northwest location.

Source: Gamespot


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