Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness, which was released theatrically in early May, will be coming to Disney+ for streaming on June 22. The film, which stars Benedict Cumberbatch and Elizabeth Olsen, is director Sam Raimi’s first time back behind the camera in nearly a decade.

The Marvel sequel performed impressively at the box office, a few weeks ago soaring past the $500 million global box office milestone in its second weekend. As of this writing, it’s inching closer to $879.5 million. Check out Marvel’s official announcement for the film’s upcoming Disney+ debut in a few weeks.

The Raimi-directed film sees Dr. Strange team with newcomer America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez) to traverse the dreaded multiverse and stop a former friend-turned-foe, Wanda Maximoff (Olsen), who just wants to be reunited with her kids in any dimension. The cast also includes Chiwetel Ejiofor, Benedict Wong, Michael Stühlbarg, and Rachel McAdams. The film comes from a script written by Michael Waldron.

You can also check out our review round-up of the critical consensus on the film over here. It’s worth noting that the film should be particularly friendly to Marvel newcomers, because the movie doesn’t need you to get caught up with the MCU first to follow along and enjoy Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness.

In GameSpot’s review of Doctor Strange 2, writer Mason Downey said the movie “excels when Raimi’s voice is the loudest one in the room. Multiple sequences nostalgically harken back to the stylistic influences in his pre-MCU Spider-Man days while others dip deeply (sometimes even shockingly) into true horror.”

Source: Gamespot


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