Only a few more days remain before Elden Ring officially launches, and if you’re in need of something related to the game to help pass the time, you can check out a new gameplay video for the upcoming fantasy title.

Developer From Software has put together a deep dive into how Elden Ring will play, more details on the Tarnished, and the world you’ll explore. “Much has changed in the Lands Between since the days of your banishment, Tarnished,” teases the video description. “Come and learn what awaits you on the path of grace,” the video’s description reads.

One of the other interesting features mentioned in the video is Legacy Dungeons, “a complex and intricately designed dungeon map that connects seamlessly with surrounding landscapes.”

These environments are designed to offer their own unique atmosphere when compared to the overworld of the Lands Between. In case you missed it, the minimum and recommended PC requirements for Elden Ring have been released, and the game will be optimized on launch day with the latest Nvidia game-ready drivers available for that hardware.

If the video isn’t enough to slate your thirst for Tarnished information before February 25, you can also check out our features on 13 things that you probably don’t know about the game and how Elden Ring’s difficulty has been designed to work within a sandbox experience.

Source: Gamespot


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