Elden Ring’s massive world can feel endless — and endlessly intimidating. The map is full of countless enemy types, numerous dungeons, and many, many messages. Luckily, there are tools to ease the game’s difficulty: You can call a summon, or use co-op tools to call in other players to help you slay fearsome enemies. But there are also those of you, intrepid explorers, who thirst for additional chaos, and choose to invade others for PvP play.

Luckily, many of you have also streamed these invasions, or shared them to YouTube or Reddit, for our viewing enjoyment. These PvP matches show off some of the most inventive play that folks have come up with — this includes everything from incredibly powerful player builds and rad weapons to witty bits of costume trickery. We’re still just scratching the surface of everything that Elden Ring contains. May these matches inspire you, or perhaps put fear into your heart.

Most invasions I’ve seen are entertaining, regardless of matchup. Some of them are particularly fun to watch, because they show off an extremely powerful build. Then there’s this Glintstone Crown sorcery build — which incidentally makes the player look like Megamind — that allowed this player to one-hit kill their opponent.

Other matches are engaging because of an unexpected matchup, where both players are very good at what they’re doing.

And many of them give a glimpse into a number of weapons or playing styles you might not have tried if your character classes are totally different.

There’s also this build that makes the player look like a Sith Lord.

And then there are ones that are straight up funny — like two heavier build players, who more or less smack their shields at each other repeatedly.

Or, here’s a personal favorite of mine, wherein a player has dressed up as an NPC, in order to trick an invader into returning to their world.

free souls exploit lol (funny) from

And there’s also turning into a statue, before kicking someone off a ledge.

rekt from

Go forth, Tarnished, and enjoy your invasions. Respectfully, of course.

Source: Polygon


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