Players looking to exercise some criminal creativity are in luck, as Deep Silver and Volition Entertainment have pulled back the curtain on the suite of customization options for the re-imagined Saints Row.

Players will be able to express their creativity through virtually every aspect of the game, from the main character and their lackeys to the cars, guns, and hideouts the Saints will be using throughout the game. The character creation suite offers a full set of options from changing the shape of individual body parts–every individual body part, as the trailer implies–to outfits (or lack thereof), face paint, tattoos, and more.

Each car the gang picks up throughout the game can be modified as well, from paint jobs to special parts. Whether it’s a souped-up sports car with LED-lit rims on the wheels that specializes in off-road driving or a minivan with rocket boosters on the back and bull horns on the hood, there will be plenty of options for auto-based additions.

Players will also be able to attach special items to each car, including a wrecking ball that will drag along the ground and take out enemy vehicles, or an ejector seat that lets them spring into action when arriving at a firefight.

Finally, as players collect an arsenal of weapons, they can take them back to their hideout and completely change the look and feel of each of them with dozens of decorations to choose from. The trailer, for example, shows a rocket launcher that’s been modified to come out of a guitar case a la Desperado, as well as dual pistols hidden inside novelty foam fingers.

The Saints Row customization trailer aired as part of a 20-minute livestream feature developers from Volition talking about the game. The new Saints Row launches August 23 for Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC via the Epic Games Store. This is a full reboot of the open-world action series, with the last appearance being Saints Row IV back in August 2013.


Source: Gamespot


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